User Guide








Developing XML-enabled application requires XML transformation with some degree. The simplest translating happens while an Entity is resolved during the parsing of the XML document, in which the Entity is replaced by a string as defined early in the document. However, most application requires more transformation functionalities than Entity resolving alone.


Leaflet is a macro language translator, which is designed to help developer with XML transformation. It provides a simple and intuitive, yet powerful, way to do transformation.


Leaflet has two [mode]. In the first [mode], a transformation rule, called Shells and XML data are defined in the same document. The transformation will start in the Main Shell and result will be generated according all of the Shells and the XML data.

In the batch [mode], Shells are defined in advance and a translator with the Shells is created. The same set of Shells will be reused, instead of loading from disk and parsing every time. Result will be generated differently according to the XML data feed in. It works especially efficient in environment like Java Servlet. User data, likes cookies in user’s browser, user profile that is stored in the server and transaction result from database can be feed into the translator as XML Data. The resulting page will be generated differently to the transaction result and user’s preferences.

Also, with Slot and Selector, Shell architecture provides abstraction of to the rules. It functionalities are not available in any other XML solution in the market.

Beside abstraction, Leaflet also provides a rich set of functionalities, yet as intuitive, for Data extracting, Output encoding and Pattern matching (reg exp).


Despite Leaflet is rich in functionalities, its footprint is extremely small. The uncompressed jar file of the fully functional Leaflet is less than 100kB (the typical size of a jpeg photo you can find in the web). And, functions can be easily added to it extremely extensible architecture.

Content at a Glance

1/ Getting Started


An Introductory Example

Example List of this book

Understands Leaflet Architecture

Understanding Tree structure

Passing Tree around

Understand DataSource

Defining a Shell

Translator and batch mode

2/ Using Leaflet

Marco definition/abstraction





TempFileDataSource (create a temp file on behalf of servlet)



Data selection

Identifing a branch or a set of branch -- XdataPath



Output encoding


Replace Character

Pattern matching/reg expression


Output Method

State (returned by translate)

ResultHandler (SAX-like interface)


3/ Advanced features

Defining your own predcate

adding new predecate into translator

Dynamic Data source

creating custom data source

CoureInfo example

Working with Servlet thin layer

need JavaScript which sent in XML data, instead of just key and

Forward compatibility

Define alternative for older translator

Using Leaflet in Multithread environment

Table of Content


1/ Getting Started


An Introductory Example

Example List of this book

Understands Leaflet Architecture

Understanding Tree structure

Passing Tree around

Defining a Shell

Translator and batch mode

2/ Using Leaflet

Marco definition/abstraction


Data extraction

Identifing a branch or a set of branch -- XdataPath



Output encoding


Replace Character

Pattern matching/reg expression


Output Method

State (returned by translate)

ResultHandler (SAX-like interface)


3/ Advanced features

Defining your own predcate

adding new predecate into translator

Dynamic Data model

creating custom data model

CoureInfo example

Working with Servlet thin layer

need JavaScript which sent in XML data, instead of just key and

Forward compatibility

Define alternative for older translator

Using Leaflet in Multithread environment

4/ Appendixes


Ok, transformation of XML, why not XSLT

Table of Examples

Introductory Example

Abstraction -- Company Title Bar

Abstraction– Advanced use – Uvic timetable

Swtich – Name Card vs. Table – that’s why you need switch and need it a lot

Extract Data -- Display name card

Extract Data – Advanced use -- CourseInfo Example

Split and Match – Unix User File, Mulitple IP Address

Output Encoding – SQL statement

Voting Searching site – get user’s link information in XML (maybe from java)


User customize portral page


Part 1

Chapter 1

              Part 1 -- Using Leaflet

-1/ Working with XML, a link to other tutorial

0/ Introducting example of how to use

The most common use of Leaflet is use it as preprocessor for HTML.

Class ABC {

public void main( String[] argv ) {

FileReader f = new FileReader( "example1.xml" );

Tree t = Tree.createTree( f );

Translator t = new Translator();

translateToXml( System.out );




                           In "example1.xml"








                     1/ Understanding and Working with Tree structure

                     Why not DOM?

                           for cross platform cumbersome to work in java

                           code is very ugly


                     Identifiy a branch (support XPath later)


                     2/ Certaining Shell


Design yoru own tag.

New tag is often some old features plus something new.

More than Text representation

filling complicated form


Two way to present data on the web.

1/ iterate data into form

2/ rule for make tag, java object etc.


How this document organize

Need it?     

Leaflet support the following type of operations




                           Shell and slot concept (like parameter)

                                  1/ don't use slot (two way to abstractize)




                                                <p>News: Nov 19, 1999 -- Vancouver ....</p>




                                  2/ use slot








                                  3/ selector, shell, and slot












                     3/ Working with data

                     Branch and Bough


                           different style, different color for second line.

                           set limit



Swtich – Name Card vs. Table – that’s why you need switch and need it a lot







                           <Record type=”NameCard”>

                                  <Param name=”FirstName”>Thomas</Param>

                                  <Param name=”MiddleName”>Tat-Man</Param>

                                  <Param name=”LastName”>Yip</Param>

                                  <Param name=”Phone”>604-436-6185</Param>

                                  <Param name=”PerferredContactMethod><Email/></PerferredContactMethod>






                     Overall example:

                           University schedule


                     4/ Output predecate

                           HttpString, Replace character


                     5/ External predecate (eval)     


                     6/ Create Transtor

                           Cerating translator

                           adding shell into translator

                           Understand ResultInfo

                           Note: Thread safe

                           Setting ResultHandler

                           Start translating (into ResultHolder)

                           Result in Tree structure


                     7/ option of Handling the result

                           sax-style result handler

                           creating Java GUI widget

                           Using Reflection to create

                           Displaying tag to browser

                           special handling of &lt;br&gt;&lthr&gt etc


                     8/ Some possible use of Translator

                           [list whetever in my idea book]


              Part 2 -- Advanced topic


                     9/ Defining your own predcate

                           In javascript

                           In Java

                           adding new predecate into translator


                     10/ Dynamic Data model

                           creating custom data model

                           CoureInfo example


                     11/ Working with servlet thin layer

                           need javascript which sent in xml data, instead of just key and value pair



Index of examples

Create a new tag for the existing application. For example, add an Tag to Html


Use a tag to represent another tag to help separation different text logically for example, use Indent to replace BackQuote


Use a tag to represent multiple tags, like company

[do reflection]


While XSLT can do [something], it lack of the functionality of [some other things]. And, XSLT's pattern driven design make something impossible/hard to do. for example,


[complicate table].


[do site management]